Herter & Co. advises TOM TAILOR GROUP on the refinancing and extension of its debt facilities as Sole Debt Advisor.
TOM TAILOR GROUP has followed through as planned with the early refinancing of its existing syndicated loan. The new funding, with a total volume of EUR 500 million, establishes the financial framework to keep the company on track with its ongoing growth plans. In the course of arranging the refinancing, the TOM TAILOR GROUP also redeemed the EUR 45 million variable tranche of the borrower’s note loan from 2013. The financing was arranged for a five-year term, enabling the company to utilize the prevailing favorable interest rates, reduce its financing costs and gain financial flexibility.
Moreover, the TOM TAILOR GROUP was able to bolster the existing bank syndicate with the addition of international banks, which in particular can provide financing to fund its operations in Asia. “We’re pleased to have secured in the long term attractive financing conditions and that we were able to attract a line-up of highly respected international banks,” said Dr. Axel Rebien, CFO of TOM TAILOR Holding AG.
The original Press Release can be found here.